Top Ten Popular Blogs In The World

Blogs are great source of getting fresh news on the web, so if you want to get fresh news about anything on the internet, you should stick with top blogs that publish web news frequently. Here you can see the list of top 10 most popular blogs on the web. Ranking of these blogs are based on Alexa rank, monthly page views, average page views and users activities. Okay let's see which are the top 10 most popular blogs on the internet.

top 10 most popular blogs in the world

1. Huffingtonpost - Huffingtonpost is a highly popular blog for news and blogging tips where users can find latest news around the world. Huffingtonpost publishes blogs, news on business, lifestyle , entertainment, popular media ,environment, technology, politics etc. Huffingtonpost is an American news publishing website that covers all kinds of news around the world. Huffingtonpost was founded in May 2005 by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, Andrew Breitbart and Jonah Peretti.

2. Mashable - Mashable is one of the most popular blogs on the web that covers latest news around the world. Mashable is mainly known as social media news , web tips and news and tech news. Mashable was founded in 2005 by Pete Cashmore.

3. Techcrunch - The leading blog for tech news and gadget review. Techcrunch is a tech news based site that publish quality articles on technology news, latest news on mobiles, social media, gadget reviews etc. Techcrunch was launched in 2005 by Michael Arrington.

4. TMZ - TMZ is one of the most popular blogs for entertainment news and celebrity Gossip. TMZ was launched in November 2008. Time Warner is the owner of TMZ.

5. Businessinsider - Businessinsider has become one of the most popular blogs. Businessinsider was founded in February 2009 by DoubleClick Founder and former C.E.O. Kevin P. Ryan. Businessinsider is mainly known for business related news and tips.

6. Engadget -Engadget is one of the most popular blogs for technology news and gadget reviews. Engadget covers daily news on latest gadget and technology news. Engadget was launched in March 2004 by Peter Rojas.

7. Smashingmagazine - Smashingmagazine is one of the most popular and useful blogs that provides  useful tips , advice and resources for professional web developers and web designers. Smashingmagazine was founded in September 2006 by Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman.

8. Tutsplus - Tutsplus helps users to learn creative and technical skills easily. Tutsplus provides useful tips on designing , web development, photography , graphics , business etc. A great place to learn any kind of technical skill. Tutsplus was founded by Collis Taeed.

9. Lifehacker - A great place to find useful web tips & tricks. Users can find here great content and many useful resources on internet, computer, mobile, apps , downloads etc. Lifehacker was launched in 2005 by Gine Trapani. Gawker Media owns Lifehacker.

10. Gizmodo - Gizmodo is a great place for gadget reviews and news. One of the most popular tech blog owned by Gawker Media and run by Nick Denton. Gizmodo was launched in 2002 by Peter Rojas.

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