10 Animated Santa Pictures To Wish Christmas

Are you looking for free animated Santa pictures to wish your friends Christmas? These animated Santa pictures can be sent to your friends, family members , blog readers to say Merry Christmas. You can download these animated Santa pictures free of cost on your computer, tablet or mobile. These pictures can be shared with your friends on your favorite social networking websites.

Thousands of people send gifts to their friends to express their feelings, if you love your friends & family members , you can use these beautiful animated Santa Pictures as picture messages , social networking posts or emails. But before you use these pictures, I would like to write here short description about Santa Claus. Santa Claus is also known as Saint Nicholas & Father Christmas  . Santa Claus is depicted as white-bearded , joyous man and sometimes with spectacles. According to a tradition which can be traced to the 1820s , Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, with a large number of magical elves, and nine flying reindeer.

Okay now let's come to the point. Here you can see some animated free Santa pictures that can be used as picture messages to wish your friends Christmas. Click on your interested picture, Image will open in new tab or window, then save it.

1. Animated Santa Claus Singing Picture

Animated Santa Claus Singing Picture

2. Animated Santa With Gift

Animated Santa With Gift

3. Christmas Santa

Christmas Santa.

4. Santa Claus Christmas Picture

Santa Claus Christmas Picture

5. Animated Santa With Gifts

6. Santa Singing

7. Animated Santa Claus

8. Animated Dancing Santa Picture

Animated Dancing Santa Picture

9. Animated Santa Picture With PC

Animated Santa Picture With PC

10. Santa Claus Animated Wallpaper

Santa Claus Animated Wallpaper

{images Credit - Photobucket, Flickr and Imageshack.us }

About the Author

This article has been written by Swaroop, If you want to get more updates from this blog, you can like our Facebook Page or follow him on Google+